Title: Renault Trafic 2022+ Front Splitter In Gloss Black Description: Elevate the aesthetic appeal of your Trafic with this Gloss Black Front Splitter Lip. Crafted from robust ABS plastic and finished in an ultra-glossy black, this splitter not only enhances the vehicle's appearance but...
Title: Volkswagen Touareg MK3 Pre Facelift R Line 2018-2023 Front Splitter In Gloss Black Description: Elevate the aesthetic appeal of your Touareg with this Gloss Black Front Splitter Lip. Crafted from robust ABS plastic and finished in an ultra-glossy black, this splitter not only...
Title: Volkswagen Touareg MK3 Facelift R Line 2023+ Front Splitter In Gloss Black Key Features: High-quality PP Plastic Ultra gloss black finish OEM Fit & Finish Designed specifically for this model using the latest 3D scanning technology Add a lower more aggressive look to...
Title: Renault Trafic 2022+ Front Splitter In Gloss Black Description: Elevate the aesthetic appeal of your Trafic with this Gloss Black Front Splitter Lip. Crafted from robust ABS plastic and finished in an ultra-glossy black, this splitter not only enhances the vehicle's appearance but...
Title: Volkswagen Touareg MK3 Pre Facelift R Line 2018-2023 Front Splitter In Gloss Black Description: Elevate the aesthetic appeal of your Touareg with this Gloss Black Front Splitter Lip. Crafted from robust ABS plastic and finished in an ultra-glossy black, this splitter not only...
Title: Volkswagen Touareg MK3 Facelift R Line 2023+ Front Splitter In Gloss Black Key Features: High-quality PP Plastic Ultra gloss black finish OEM Fit & Finish Designed specifically for this model using the latest 3D scanning technology Add a lower more aggressive look to...
Please note, if the product is on backorder it will take up to 20 working days for delivery.
The Misutonida MED Front Bar is a BLACK front bumper protective A-Bar which is manufactured to a superior finish in Italy.
The Bar itself has a diameter of 63mm and is completely road legal as well as TUV and EC Approved.
They really are an excellent finishing touch for your vehicle by both improving the overall appearance and adding protection to the front.
Misutonida Bull Bars are considered to be a lot safer for pedestrians and abide by all the necessary legislation which can be seen from the instructions and certificate in the below link.
The bar will also allow for spot lights to be easily added to the front of your vehicle which will also improve your driving experience.
Made to an extremely high standard in 63mm stainless tube and powder coated for a professional black finish.